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PRF (Plasma Rich Fibrin)

PRF is a safe, easy to obtain, and completely immune-biocompatible substance for regeneration of the skin. It is often used in combination with procedures such as microneedling.

  • Platelet Rich Fibrin is a substance derived from the blood that is rich in platelets and growth factors.

    Platelets: These are blood cells that play a crucial role in blood clotting and wound healing. Platelets contain growth factors that stimulate cell proliferation, tissue repair, and the formation of new blood vessels.

    Fibrin: Fibrin is a protein that forms a mesh-like structure during blood clotting. In the context of PRF, fibrin serves as a scaffold for platelets, providing a matrix for tissue regeneration

    PRF is produced by drawing a small amount of the patient's blood, obtained through venipuncture. The blood is then centrifuged to separate its components. The resulting PRF contains a concentrated mixture of platelets, fibrin, and white blood cells.

  • PRF is used either in the superficial dermis (top layer of the skin) which would be when it is used with microneedling, or in the deep layers of the dermis as injections.

    When it is used in the top layer of the skin, it will help with skin texture (such as acne scarring), glow, and overall hydration of the skin.

    When injected under that top layer, or into the deep dermis, it can be used in place of a filler or for hair regeneration.

  • Combining PRF with Microneedling is often referred to as “Collagen Induction Therapy”

    After your blood is drawn, and the PRF is obtained it can be used as a serum during your microneedling treatment. The PRF serum is immediately introduced to the injuries created by microneedling. This allows for the growth factors to initiate new skin growth at an even faster rate.

    At the end of your microneedling procedure, your PRF will also be used as a cooling mask to help alleviate the burning feeling that often occurs at the end of the treatment. This will also continue to initiate and allow for faster healing.

    Find out more about microneedling here.

  • Hair regeneration with PRF happens with both a combination of microneedling and injections in the area of hair loss.

    Typical recommendation is to do three sessions one month apart to start. Afterwards, sessions can be every six months to a year to continue to promote cell turnover and hair regeneration.

    Overall results may not be completely evident until one year, but it will be evident after your third procedure if PRF is working for you.

    This can be used for patient with patterned hair loss, diffuse alopecias, traction alopecia (if follicles are present), and alopecia areata.

PRF treatments available at Purra MedSpa

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